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Old 01-07-2013, 10:06 PM
Sephyre Sephyre is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 23

Server is filled to the brim with new people right now, it's great.

There's a lot of 'popular' area clustering (CB, Oasis, NRO, Mistmoore, etc), but from what I have seen it's about 40% twink, 60% brand new people leveling up.

I've just hit 40, and its still packed in most mid-level zones even in off-peak times. There's also a strong bring-your-own-group mentality.

Don't really care too much about what the endgame looks like until I get there, but there's no real need for a 'new' server when the current one is doing so well for noob/mid-level players.