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Old 01-09-2024, 05:45 PM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 132

I wouldn't say autosplit is broken it splits the funds that were on the corpse amongst the group, its just not perfectly equal depending on how much of each coin drops (can't always split every number by the amount of people in the group and end with a whole number). Technically, you could make it more equal by breaking down higher valued coins into more of a smaller valued one but who wants auto split converting everything to silver and copper? Yuck, most people delete the silver and copper they get because its not worth the weight to get it back to the bank after you reach mid level on your first toon.

In general I've had more people to ask me to turn auto split off then turn auto split on so I usually default to off. For the most part anything that you're killing with a group drops little to no coin and is not material to the loot the group receives.

Some loot is considered trash and is typically is free for all or rots when the corpse expires. This is the majority of loot at low levels and by the time you get to higher levels you'll have a good feel for what is trash (the stuff that drops all the time in abundance and is worth very little if anything) and what isn't. Its not a perfect way but an easy way to get a feel for the desirable loot in a zone is the loot that's listed in the summary at the top of the wiki page for that zone. This is more useful in low levels zones and becomes less relevant in high end zones.

Need before greed is generally not a loot system on P99. Most groups will divide loot either by assigning a number to each piece of loot and doing a /random or using an alphabetical order to determine who loots the next thing (sometimes a combo of both is used based on the camp). In my experience if someone has a need for an item they will call it out and the group will come to a consensus on whether they all want to forgo their access to the loot and grant it to the person in need on an item by item basis. Generally if the item is low value people will be agreeable and allow you to receive the item via need. For higher end items people will generally tell you to kick rocks on a greed claim (like a Tstaff or Fungi as other people have referenced).
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