Thread: Poisons Guide!!
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Old 04-04-2023, 04:41 PM
Cecily Cecily is offline
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Originally Posted by 7thGate [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Spine break is really good. I've been trying to find useful uses for various poisons for a while now, I should update the poisons page with stuff I've been able to do.

Mana sieve can work if you don't have enchanters, I've seived out Karkona before with it. The fact it can resist though just makes it so much easier to get an enchanter unless you're trying for a specific low man.

Blinding Poison III has been my experimental thing recently. Its a pain in the ass to make since it needs burned out lightstones, but blind is one of the only crowd control conditions that doesn't have an immunity ability, so anything in the game that doesn't have good enough poison resists can be blinded.

So far, I've verified I can't land on Sonatalak, I can't land on CT, can land on Dain Frostreaver, can land on flurry drakes. Have verified blinded summoning mobs do not summon while fear pathing. Need to verify behavior on rooted mobs and people in melee who are not top of aggro list.

Saved a raid from wiping once on a flurry, where the tanks went down and I blinded+nimbled it away to give the rest of the raid a chance to camp out, but I haven't been able to find a good raid use otherwise yet. I thought maybe it could be used to goaltend Vulak guards, but kiting them is just better probably. Blinding Dain would probably be decent except most uses probably count as a stall.

I probably should figure out the aggro post changes too, since its probably worth sticking a 550 DD on before engage if its low and if its high its still useful for initial snap aggro to bump for warriors to build totem charges and stuff like that if there isn't a ranger with disc up.
Amazingly informative post. Thank you.
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