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Old 02-26-2016, 09:31 PM
totmanc totmanc is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Canada
Posts: 150
Default <Tempest> Now Recruiting

Tempest is a new coalition of players on red99 who have decided to come together and start a new guild. We are not all old players we include new players who have been on the server for only a few months already.

Our aspiration is to provide anyone that is able to enter the planes a guild where Tabula rasa is given to those who join. Grudges run deep on our server we have a limited population with some players having spent half a decade here. That leads to the secondary goal.

We want to hopefully build back up some of the server whether it is attempting to recruit off blue or some people who have become disenfranchised with the server to come back. There are many raid targets and viable gear that can go to everyone that are not on lock-down or ignored completely.

Decorum between us and the other guilds would be nice. Personally there is nothing sweeter then fighting and claiming “pixels” as the server calls it from another guild; that doesn’t mean we can’t rez them and help them grab the corpses I would hope that they would do the same for us.

If interested send a tell to

Strut // Blueflower // Sickpuppy