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Old 10-22-2009, 07:54 PM
Deathrydar Deathrydar is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,670

My financee defintely scowled at me, ready to attack. I was coming right home from work and playing from 5pm till 2-3am and getting up for work again at 5:30am. Rinse, repeat! As you can imagine, my performance in work went down as well. It was really bad.

My level 22 Cleric died last fiancee was SCREAMING at me and I ran into a camp of goblins in Dagnor's Cauldron and died in the entrance to Unrest. I was frikkin close to the zone line too.

I lost a level and all........

I /ragequitted.........quit my guild and everything. (by the way, sorry guys)

I said to myself, I have to stop playing.......I don't think I can do this in moderation.

Well, my financee and I reconciled and I got a laptop so I can sit on the couch with her and play. I still stayed away all of last weekend in fear that the crack would grab me again. There's a lot of pressure in this game to log on as much as possible. It's hard to accomplish anything when you don't play as much as you can, and if you have friends that play hardcore (like I did) then you are always worried about them out-leveling you.

After careful consideration, I talked with her and she said I should start playing again, but only sometimes. I logged on last night, and much to my horror, the corpse for my level 22 Cleric had rotted. I immediately camped, and deleted the character.

I have been thinking about logging on all night, and starting another character. To tell ya the truth, I really didn't wanna start a Cleric anyway. I only started one because if the population was low here, as a Cleric, I would have had an easier time getting a group. After seeing the incredible population on this server, I guess it really doesn't matter what I start, but I am not sure I wanna start all over again.

Anyway, that's my story. I guess you could say that last week my fiancee faction was scowls at you, ready to attack, and the woman killed me for good! Well, at least the Cleric anyway.
Last edited by Deathrydar; 10-22-2009 at 07:56 PM..