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Old 03-27-2013, 04:31 PM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Originally Posted by Lazortag [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As someone who has only read ~300 or so pages of the first book, but is a big fan of the show, I have to say that deviating from the books like they have is not a good idea. My wife has read the books and is quick to tell me when something in the show isn't canon, but usually I can tell because those scenes are written badly. When they add dialogue or situations that weren't in the books, the actors' performances just seem more awkward and the writing isn't great (for example, many of the scenes where daenerys is in qarth, and the conversations between arya and tywin). Having not even read the books I find myself really wishing the writers didn't change so many things unnecessarily.
the only change i really did like better was that they had Jaime and Ned get into a tiff, instead of some horse falling on Ned and breaking his leg.

Originally Posted by goalie [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Spoiler: John Snow is a targaryean...Can't wait for books 6 and 7 ! Write faster GRRM you fucker.
old news^^ :P

pretty much everyone in this thread agrees that R+L=J

i've decided that "the mummer's dragon" does not imply a fake dragon, or that Aegon is a fake tagaryen, but that its a form of ownership. ie: the dragon that belongs to the mummer.
and that leads me to think that Illyrio is the mummer.

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Originally Posted by Uthgaard View Post
Accusing me of simultaneous favoritism for two opposing guilds involves a special kind of stupid
Originally Posted by karsten View Post
going after sirken is like going to a cheerleader convention and punching the only one that bothered to talk to you
Originally Posted by Rogean View Post
I've met Sirken IRL.. he ain't jelly of shit