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Old 03-15-2013, 09:47 AM
Xiki101 Xiki101 is offline

Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 17

Here is the thing about Wizards.

Since I been playing you will find the Wizard community is super helfull in helping other wizards out in whatever they need so that a plus 1.

You will find soloing kinda hard and boring until you hit 29. some quick tips for soloing before 29. Bind in EC get a clarity or c2 and then run to a destination in the local zones and solo. When clarity runs out gate back ec med in tunnel and while your waiting start looking for an enc and always tip them! When you get to port always give Ench a free ride!

I find in groups people love me but its probably because my wizard is a twink so I have allot more mana than most casters. I believe a non afk Wizard can put up some nice damage as a dps. Great thing about EQ is you can have 6 people to a group so I dont think people really look past Wizards to join. I really feel thats a bunch of bs

Hot spots for group- EC/Faydark orc hill/Crushbone/Oasis/Upper Guk/unrest/Mistmoore/Highkeep at peak hours. Those are solid places to look until you hit 29 and then you can start to do your own thing soloing.

Wizards have a bad rep for groups so I would suggest to make as much friends as possible and they will always do right by you and try to get you in. I have had no problems finding groups and when I put my LFG up I get about 2-3 tells an hour which I guess is not bad for a Wizard. If you are a player who has an ego and likes to be well known, I would suggest playing a cleric/Ench/Tank class since you will get a group almost right away. I hope this helps and feel free to send me a tell in game if you need anything [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]



Make sure you do research When you can or you will be screwed like me lol
Last edited by Xiki101; 03-15-2013 at 09:50 AM..