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Old 01-30-2013, 02:14 AM
Beaniron Beaniron is offline

Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 257

Originally Posted by Jimhoff06 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
IMO Ogre war is best war. They have great base stats, can't be stunned from front, and can use slam. They are huge though and it can be difficult to traverse some zones because of their height. They also are evil, and they have a terrible newbie zone. Just dump all your points into Dex and play an Ogre. Rallos Zek is the God of War after all, and he created Ogres. It just makes sense.
Ogres aren't evil, just really dumb. They do make the best Warriors though, I agree. Frontal stun immunity, insanely high Str/Sta, and Slam. Get Sta to 150, rest into Dex or Agi and you're set.