Thread: Game Mechanics: Double Invisibility
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Old 01-17-2013, 11:18 AM
Furme Furme is offline

Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 65

Separate source for patch notes maybe?

Perhaps EqMac isn't as classic as they seem?

Question.. Is it possible that eqmac has updated their server software to keep up with the updated clients, or can you still install say.. a pop era client and play without patching?

If you can't, it probably means that there have been selective updates to the server, and they have to deactivate the ones that they don't want.. Perhaps this non-classic function just so happened to slip through?

Similarly, Have you tried it with every form of invis on EQ Mac in every possible order?

Perhaps they stack in a different order because as I stated earlier.. Some invisibility spells had the check and others didn't?

If you want the programmer's logic behind this, I'll give it to you..
When a spell is cast it checks for a valid target and range.. It doesn't care about what effects they have currently etc.. (This is why you can cast a lower level spell that won't overwrite a higher level spell)

When the spell lands another check is made to check if the entity is a valid target(location in relation to yours, pc npc etc..) once that check is successful it fires another check for buffs on the entity to determine if it can stack (this is why you still lose mana when you cast a buff that fails).. That being said If the coder placed a check inside one spell, it could be possible that (s)he forgot to add the specific value into the spell to make it no longer stack..
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