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Old 06-18-2010, 11:51 PM
Alawen Everywhere Alawen Everywhere is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 414

No, you don't get the first, last and only word.

There is a regularly scheduled meeting of the leaders of each guild to discuss and implement exactly this sort of issue. It is my understanding that leaders of upcoming guilds will be welcomed into those organized meetings. If a recurring pug leader emerges on Project 1999 and wishes to take part in those meetings, I would expect him or her to be welcomed as well.

As one of the leaders of DA, Nizzarr knows this. Nizzarr was the architect of the current server raid rules before he disappeared form the server for four months. His thread had absolutely nothing to do with finding a solution to the problem which he and his guild created. It was a propaganda post to gain support for forcing his latest experiment on the server. Nizzarr apparently views himself as the raid leader of the entire server. Many of us are not okay with that.

Do you understand what I am saying? Nizzarr's post is an intentional attempt to bypass exactly the mechanism that you are describing--players communicating with their leaders and leaders negotiating with each other. His thread was inappropriate for a number of reasons including his past membership in IB and adversity toward its leaders and members, his unexplained four-month disappearance, his guild's exploitation of loopholes in the rules he personally suggested and his attempt to bypass the process currently in place. Nizzarr is behaving as a maverick, not as an officer and negotiator of a top tier guild.