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Old 12-16-2012, 11:44 PM
Eccezan Eccezan is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 671
Default [The Mystical Order] The Premiere P99 Raiding Guild

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The Mystical Order is a premier raiding guild originally from Fennin Ro server; we are an international guild that raids during all hours in every time zone. We have have members that occupy all walks of life and log in from all over the world to do one thing - experience EverQuest as we all remember and love it. Whether you are a veteran raider from a top guild on your live server or have never seen the high-end classic content you are encouraged to apply to The Mystical Order; we are a preeminent raiding guild but everyone is welcome to join and learn with us!

Any game is about having fun. To us, fun is synonymous with conquest and domination. We strive to have the most knowledge, skill, and tactics as well as the quickest mobilization and number of boss kills. Our members are dedicated to defeating the toughest mobs and equipping the best gear in the game.

The Mystical Order has a friendly social environment - We like to progress together and therefore frequently planned and unplanned activities such as group and raid opportunities are available. Participation in guild activities and interacting with guild members in-game and in Ventrilo not only helps the guild form an opinion of you, but also affords you an opportunity to feel confident in your decision to apply to The Mystical Order.

Our application process requires that all prospective members must submit an application form to our Recruitment Officers. There is a short waiting period where the application will be reviewed and an interview will be conducted by the Recruitment Officer or one of our senior member recruiters. After the informal interview you may attend raids as an applicant. As an applicant you will get a chance to learn more about our guild, meet new faces, and familiarize yourself with content, strategies and tactics. During the last week of your application period you will be voted on by the members of our guild. The vote is reviewed by the officer core and a decision of your membership status is made. The recruitment period is generally 3-4 weeks - your application will be decided by member votes.

As an applicant, we hope that you take time to reach out to get know the current guild members, read and understand the Guild Charter and Raid Rules, and be familiar with our website ( We would like that you associate with guild-members and attend guild activities when possible so that we have the chance to get to know you and see how you play your class.

Keep in mind, whiners, drama queens, loot-whores, and people who take this game far too seriously need not apply. If you're not competent with your class or aren't willing to learn how to be a better player - don't bother. If you aren't willing to raid when you're online, and a raid is called, the same applies. While we aim to dominate the server, we don't need people who can't relax and play the game without getting themselves and everyone else upset because they feel things aren't going the way they'd like them to.

Recruitment Needs

Wizard: High
Rogue: High
Ranger: Low
Shadowknight: Low
Bard: Medium
Monk: Low
Paladin: Low
Necromancer: Low
Mage: High
Enchanter: High
Shaman: Low
Cleric: Medium
Druid: Medium
Warrior: Low

(All Players & All Classes playing from Euro/Asia time zone: High)

All applicants are encouraged to be Level 60 in-game, with progress towards their VP key along with a decent set of MR/PR gear. Exceptions can be made, however being raid ready from the start will be very beneficial to your application process. Please contact Eccezan/Zagum or Olidaen/Tortue/Mazam for more information
Last edited by Eccezan; 11-06-2013 at 02:43 PM.. Reason: updated class list