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Old 11-12-2012, 05:07 PM
ArumTP ArumTP is offline

Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Cleveland
Posts: 402

Too much value is placed on a necklace that casts snare that takes 6 seconds to cast in this thread. There might be a brief period of time that you use it, but its just so terrible, I haven't seen a single human or dark elf that worships inny that still uses it.

Hide COULD be useful. But to hide in a spot where you good as dead anyways isn't going to help.

Sneak would never be useful for any quests because your faction would generally good already good because you are halfling. If you were kos, the mob will turn and kill you after turn in anyways.

With the client the way it is, infra ultra vision doesn't matter. Nobody is night blind.

The endgame cleric robe is a valid point, and I suppose you want to be a race that can wear it. So for cleric don't be a halfling or dwarf. On the other hand there aren't that many robe of azure sky, and the odds of you acquiring one is like zero.

Starting faction is a grey area. Neutral race with evil gods will generally be less KOS than > neutral good god > good good god > evil evil god.
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