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Old 08-14-2012, 02:29 PM
Lelroni Lelroni is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: SW Kansas
Posts: 98

Honestly, from the sounds of it, it's not going to be some simple "run this anti virus program and you'll be good to go", more than likely you'll need to run several programs such as combofix, tdsskiller, roguekiller etc (don't run any of these without beind advised).You're going to need help from someone who specializes in malware removal.

There are a ton of sites online that offer free help, but since it's free the person helping you will post when they are available. Some sites to consider:

These are just a few forums you can get support on. Follow their instructions precisely. And make sure to check out the Read First posts prior to making a thread. Sorry I could not be of more assistance, but hope this helps!