Thread: Miscellaneous: Boat routes and issues
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Old 05-25-2012, 06:11 PM
Sephiroth781 Sephiroth781 is offline

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Posts: 43

To answer your question about the boat problem, I just got off trying to get from Qeynos to Erudin and then back again.

1st Trip, the boats collided right between the Qeynos zone in and Kerra Isle. I got forcibly transferred over to the other boat and sent back to Qeynos.

2nd Trip, I made it to Erudin using the trick someone posted on the forum here. Something about Ninja Running. Got to Erudin after that, but the collison point was different this time, between Kerra Isle and Erudin Zone line.

3rd Trip, I tried to get back to Qeynos, boats collided, I tried to Ninja and failed. Sent back to Erudin. Collison point was between Erudin Zone and Kerra Dock.

4th Trip, I got to Kerra Isle but the boats collided after that and I got sent back to the island. When I got off at Kerra to wait for the boat to Qeynos, I saw the boat to Eruidin arrive a second time before the boat to Qeynos arrived. Then there was no collision on that boat.

Other odd thing of note was watching my wife last night. After she logged out on the shoreline under Qeynos docks, upon login she had a Fire Resistance increase and she was bouncing up and down with levitate like she was on the boat, but there were no buff symbols in her effects window. Logging out and back in again fixed this problem but the Fire Resistance was a bit more persistent. Before you ask, all she was wearing was her guild tunic, first headband and a few pieces of basic cloth armor so the effect didn't come from that.

Hope this helps, sorry I don't have specific /loc points for the collisions.
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