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Old 11-23-2009, 09:49 AM
Maxium Maxium is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 82

What the hell? Why are people asking / suggesting a server wipe? For what purpose? So you can "catch up"? Catch up to what? 50? So you can be "first" or "second" at downing Vox and Nag?

Asking for a wipe is pointless - unless some "huge" exploit was found where 75% of the server population found a way to level from 1-50 in 24 hours or some bullsh*t like that.

The point of this server isn't to be "first" on anything (10 year old content) - it's to have fun and play it from the beginning.

Oh, and I have a 24 warrior and a 17 necro, so I'm not some level 50 complaining about not wanting to restart.

You guys that are asking for a wipe remind me of people that use the whistles in Mario Bros. 3

Have fun and play at your own pace