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Old 04-25-2012, 02:41 PM
AenarieFenninRo AenarieFenninRo is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 64

the basics of the nerf are this...

If you are soloing and do less than 50% damage to the mob, then your pet gets 70% exp, and you get 30% exp

If you do more than 50% of the damage to the mob, then you get 100% exp.

If you are grouped, none of this applies.

Thus, what people do... is have pet do like 90% of the damage, then kill their own pet, thus all that damage was done by a "non-entity" and you doing the last 10% of the damage means you get 100% exp every time.

If you resummon a pet to do the last 10%, then all the previous 90% damage done by the pet will apply toward the new pet.

I have been trying to test various grouping scenarios, and I think that grouping even works when group mate is outside of zone, but its hard to tell when you're only getting slivers of exp per mob at the higher levels anyway. It would be nice if a lower level mage could test this since the exp gained is much more significant, and easier to validate.