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Old 01-22-2012, 05:25 PM
Epictroll Epictroll is offline
Large Rat

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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 6

why do some people spend so much time and effort into hoarding items and plats when the server can disappear at moments notice? all that data is held at the mercy of server owner who has no obligation to keep ur 'possession' safe and secure. just seems too risky (in terms of invested time) unless u enjoy the journey/experience of sitting at east commons tunnel all day trading.

edit: i'm sure it's not too difficult to make plats and what not but for someone just starting out it's a lot of work to build a pretty powerful char and accumulate great gear no matter how u decide to approach it. i guess once u reach a point where u've built a solid character it becomes easier to forget about the long and sometimes painful journey but looking at it from the bottom it's still a steep mountain to climb. i'm all for the challenge but only if there was some sort of a reliable knowledge that server would be up for years to come would i feel safe to commit. but i understand the joy and sense of accomplishment of having built a powerful char and not to knock on people who graciously offer their time and money to run this server but some of these posts about server economy and item hoarding is surprising to say the least.
Last edited by Epictroll; 01-22-2012 at 05:41 PM..