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Old 08-22-2011, 01:29 PM
Pudge Pudge is offline
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so many ppl against exp death... i liked exp death for the 1 reason that it would deter bind rushing. assuming bind rushing is legal, then it could make it a risk vs reward. right now, the way you bros are talking, no YT, no exp loss... what reason is there not to rush>?

No YT?
seriously.. no YT is dumb. if some crew is porting around making a name for themselves, well then.. they have! The rest of the server can make the decision as to whether these guys are douches and should be killed, or whether they are white knights, selecting their targets and cleaning out the scum.

i do however agree that YT on someone 8 levels below you is a little much; YT is a reward on its own, and perhaps only YT on those who are within 4 levels, or only YT if the person getting killed is 45+, is best.

Also something we are forgetting is strategic info. Even if you are in a guild v guild fight, and in vent, it's still helpful to see who is dying when, and where.

like searyx said, basically every pvp game announces when you kill someone.. and this doesnt make ppl stop playing them.

along with the YT, the ooc lets whoever got killed tell the server his side of the story, and the killer to tell his own.