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Old 04-27-2024, 03:24 PM
Philistine Philistine is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 587
Default Most gear dependent non-tank?

Hey all!

I started a warrior because I was drawn to how meaningful gear is for them, and have really enjoyed feeling the impact of getting better and better gear for mine.

My warrior is nearing his final state (not BIS or anything), and I'm trying to decide what to work on next. I'm curious for people's thoughts on what the most gear dependent non-tank class is? When I say "gear dependent" I mean like, the difference between a freshly 60 EC geared toon and a pretty decked out one is particularly noticeable and meaningful in a raiding context.

It might be like a rogue absolutely shreds stuff when geared vs meh when EC + epic, or a bard survives kites way easier with big hp and saves.

I'm reasonably familiar with the game, but am having trouble focusing in on something and am interested to hear what people think!

Anyone have thoughts on it?

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