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Old 04-20-2024, 03:30 AM
bcbrown bcbrown is online now

Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 272

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's very easy to check the post history of the thread by just reading the first few pages of the thread. It's easy to check the post history of the above mentioned posters in this thread. I never start these long threads. I am just responding to the nonsense. If you don't post nonsense, I don't need to reply. Trying to lie about who's bloating the threads doesn't make any sense. Nobody will believe you.
Regarding "Nobody will believe you", this just isn't correct. When someone who rarely checks the forums and doesn't post much, when they came into this thread, who did they gently encourage to reflect on how their behavior undermines their stated intentions?

Originally Posted by Lament Icarus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I don't check the forums much and don't post often, and I don't know who you are. I do agree with the other posters in that when you try and "fight the trolls", you actually make threads extremely difficult to follow and good information is buried amongst the back and forth, and you also seem incapable of just letting something go. That's a shame, because you seem to have knowledge of the shaman class, and you've posted about it, but then just repeat it over and over as if it will finally convince the "trolls" of your points.

We can even see it with the OP of this thread who got the information they needed on page one, and new players are not going to read 90+ pages of a thread that's just the same arguments ad nauseam.

I'd encourage you to let your ideas just stand on their own merit instead of repeating them forever.
You say "If you don't post nonsense, I don't need to reply", but you don't need to reply to nonsense. You could instead trust other readers to recognize nonsense when they see it. If someone else is repeatedly "posting nonsense" I'm quite confident your rebuttal will be far more credible and convincing with a single response than by repeatedly copy-pasting the same points over and over every time.

If you are unable or unwilling to accept advice from me, I earnestly beg you to at least re-read what Lament Icarus wrote and ask yourself whether getting that sort of response or reaction from an uninvolved and disinterested reader of the thread makes you feel like your current approach has achieved your aims.
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