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Old 04-19-2024, 07:33 PM
Tnair Tnair is offline

Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 195

last i saw, awhile ago now, Lodizal regularly had 10-20 people show up minutes before his window began, and proceed to have a weird high school cafeteria kind of cliques formation, each clique being friends willing to help each other kill Lodi and share loot. Then everyone sits there semi afk for up to two hours, and if youre all lucky, he pops during that time. Then whoever gets the precious First Engage (always done by a pet class), would have friends to help secure the kill, and others would often ignore or just leave at that point if it was clear that clique could handle it. Showing up without a clique to join leaves you alone and friendless at lunch, and I never saw anything left for people outside the clique, much less something as precious as the map fragment. They would hold the corpse for a friend alt before they let a stranger loot who was there. Hopefully for your sake its improved since then.
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