Thread: Bard Swarm
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Old 04-09-2024, 11:16 AM
WarpathEQ WarpathEQ is offline

Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 156

Gotta love the entitlement here. Talking about "My camp". If you've been at a camp for hours and say you've claimed the camp then why are there so many mobs up that require you to be pacifying multiple mobs to get to another mob? You can't "claim" a camp and leave the majority of the mobs up at the same time.

Here's some simple solutions for you, although based on the complaining tone I don't suspect that's the actual outcome you seek from this thread.

Solution 1: Actually hold down a camp if you don't want competition. If there aren't any mobs up and you're killing mobs as they spawn there's not really anything anyone can do to come in and take "your camp". Especially if their strategy involves kiting a large number of mobs.

Solution 2: Related to solution 1, choose a camp that you can actually hold down...If you're only capable of killing 4 mobs every spawn cycle and there are 20 spawns in that area than the majority of players are going to come in over the top of you because you're really just wasting the camp at that point and doing the opposite of holding it down.

Solution 3: Go somewhere else. I go back to the question of why are you at the entrance? Velks is a large zone and rarely has more than 1-3 people (usually enchanters) that are killing anything beyond the main room at zone in. You have pacify you can go virtually anywhere else in the zone, along with many other zones, to have an uncontested camp.

Solution 4: Get good. Learn how to compete. Alter your strategies to monopolize the mobs that you're after or to make it more difficult for others that also want to compete in that area. Let's be honest the majority of players on P99 are weak willed and when you actually are capable of standing your ground in a way that's not productive for them to also be there they usually leave fairly quickly.
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