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Old 03-13-2024, 09:14 PM
Tibbs12 Tibbs12 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 159
Default Tunare charmed pet bug

Just a friendly reminder that Tunare is still unable to be attacked by charmed pets.

I know you guys were working on aggro for the call ~15 months ago to ensure that the zone-wide call triggered properly because at that time it was a raid requirement to have the zone-wide call be triggered. However, currently burndown strategies are allowed and even encouraged and that it is no longer a raid rule to have the call function properly, it does not make much sense to keep this bug in game for the purpose of ensuring the zone-wide call is activated.

Fixing this bug would also have the added benefit of allowing more guilds to possibly go for Tunare kills because having charmed pets work properly significantly reduces the number of DPS players needed.

Thank you.
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