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Old 03-05-2024, 12:45 AM
Rimitto Rimitto is offline

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Originally Posted by eqravenprince [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So what does a pro enchanter do with pet after he kills the mob but is at low health? Do you invis, then kill the mob?
Goblin Gazuichi Ring is pretty nice for doing that. Clicky-Ring that breaks charm.
IMO, Enchanter is more about mana management than anything else.
At low levels, charm is just sadism. Animations are far better.
At high levels, charm is necessary, Animations are for fear-kiting or non-threatening mobs, OR when you want to do some really slow killing without paying much attention.

personally speaking, I think it's all a matter of playstyle at some point. Others have mentioned AoE mezz/stuns... I never use those. I prefer single targetting with root's mezz and deeds. the deeds line of speeds (haste debuff) turns the tides in 1v1 fights REALLL FAST.

There's also something to be said about the RUNE spells. They are great at stopping you from getting smacked while you're "taking 2 mobs at once from a charm break". I assume most people skip them because you need ingredients which cost money... but at what point is money worth time? This is especially true in dungeons where everything is 1 step away from aggro. You should always have a spare -flee- spot to be able to sit and regen or sit and gate

think of charming like an art instead of a science and it'll become easier.
You never empty your entire can of paint on a canvas right? You just use however much you need to paint the picture.
Personally speaking, I think 90% of most problems people have with charming come from either not having good mana management or trying to charm-kite too early.
If you're below 30, it's too early.
I can tank a raid mob as an enchanter, but why would I? Same logic with charming under 30.
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