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Old 02-13-2024, 10:44 AM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 562
Default They broke channeling

First toon was Ogre Shaman. If I was double shrunk, with my back into a corner: my spells never got interrupted. (Unless mob bashed and it interrupted)

They ninja patched channeling shortly after Velious release on Green - and WOW it sucks now. Double shrunk Ogre Shaman, back in corner -- regular hits interrupt me pretty frequently. With 200 channeling.

Levelling a new necro, and MY GOD it's frustrating being interrupted so frequently, even with around 150 channeling. I get it on bashes, and stuns from regular hits - but why are my spells getting interrupted when I'm not being bashed, stunned, or pushed?

Was this intentional to make the game more classic like? Was it because race/class combo like Ogre Shaman were too OP? Anyone else notice this?

Make Channeling Great Again
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