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Old 02-13-2024, 10:10 AM
zelld52 zelld52 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 560

Originally Posted by Ciderpress [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Oh and why does being slowed supposedly make you proc your hammer faster? I've never understood the math on that one.

It sounds like slow somehow increases every individual swing's chance to proc, but you're also swinging that much less often.. so does the increased chance outweigh the fact that each opportunity for a proc now takes longer? And if so why?
It's about proccing on the first swing. If you don;t proc on the first swing, you have to wait like 10s (if fully slowed) before you swing again. If it doesn't proc that time, ugh. But - ive noticed MUCH quicker procs with a fully slowed shaman than any other class.

With Mortal Deftness + Focus of Spirit + Turgurs + Torpor, my shaman can proc his hammer on the first swing like 4 out of every 5 attempts.

Notice similar results for enchanter, but because its only Forlorn deeds with no torpor, and no dex buff, the proc on first swing works about 3 out of 5 attempts.

Whenever I'm on a melee to use hammer, i unequip my haste. Monk was the absolute worst at proccing hammer. 252 2hb, 252 offense - i wind up killing mobs with a 6 damage hammer, and no proc lol.
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