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Old 01-26-2024, 12:28 PM
Danth Danth is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,272

There were a handful of iksar vs non-iksar damge intake trials (albeit, with tanks, not shamans) run back when P99 was in Kunark, but I don't know of any being done post-Velious. Since AC/mitigation was revamped for Velious, the old data is thus no longer relevant. Overall the community doesn't care all that much; it's kind of a niche question. Most high-end solo/smallmans are charm-based these days, and raid tanks tend to gear for HP (when there's a choice) since the nature of raid heal chains favors that style of gearing in this game.

We know from experience the iksar's presumed advantage in that area is not sufficient for them to do anything a non-iksar shaman cannot do, or even have enough of an advantage that anyone's even particularly noticed it yet in going on ~9 years of Velious on P1999. Racial regeneration, access to Jaundiced bracer, bash immunity, even slam, all those are much more noticeable.
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