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Old 01-06-2024, 04:04 PM
Rager and Quitter Rager and Quitter is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Kaladim
Posts: 121

Hey Mag,

Look. Shit's fucked. No matter what you're doing with your life, something will broad-side you, and that's okay. That's how it is for everyone. Everquest is an addiction creating game. It's rewarding, it's exciting, it's difficult (sometimes), making friends is fun, but ultimately it demands too much from people and you either sell your soul to it and it becomes some kind of full-time job like the hardcore raiders, or you play it super casually and never really make any progress. I also have some really, really great memories of Everquest (and other games), that I used to play with my buddies altogether, and those times are gone. That's okay too. The memories are sweet, and fun to reminisce about.

You have to find new things to enjoy, and the process of discovering those can take time and be a little frustrating as well, but Everquest will always leave you feeling empty and used, because she is a cruel mistress.

Try some new things, maybe look in your area for some clubs or groups or get involved in community efforts or some kind of service. Maybe hook up with a few church groups and see if they have service opportunities. It may take a lot of effort on your part to drag yourself out of bed and into those places, but anytime I'm struggling with circumstances, serving other people always resets my perspective of how hard life really can be, not to mention those service opportunities are psychologically (and sometimes physically) rewarding.

One thing I did is get in contact with a local public service, like a battered women's shelter, or a soup kitchen and through serving there I talk to people about other opportunities. A few months ago I got hooked up with an organization that builds beds for kids in the community. And I really enjoy sanding the wood and constructing the bed frames. The most rewarding part is going with the delivery crew to set the beds up in the families homes. It feels really good and helps you get out of your (justifiable) inward thinking.

Hope it works out for you inspite of all the trolling you'll get on here.
"Yeah, I lost something. I lost peace and quiet. What do you need?! What do you want?! Can I not just live here, without having to occasionally deal with you animals?!"
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