Thread: Homesteading
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Old 12-20-2023, 02:19 PM
Seducio Seducio is offline

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,343

Here is my private message request to booter regarding the expecation of an apology which ultimately he refused. It was worth communicating with him in private first about his false accusation.

(private message - pm send from me to booter)
Originally Posted by Seducio
It was simple to see you went much farther than disagreeing with my post.

You incorrectly labeled me and accused me of something that wasn't true that didn't acknowledge two other posts I made within the same time period as your post (one with the same time stamp that was prior to your post and one eight minutes later). This accusation was wrong of you to make.

Are you going to apologize?
(private message - response from booter)
Originally Posted by booter
no, i still firmly think you're on the wrong side of that issue, or at least are not as informed as you think you are, and im not going to discuss that particular topic on these forums anymore in public or private

i do a drive-by on these forums for a few mins at work a few days a week, try not to take it personally, treat me as another left wing troll

To be very clear. I am a liberal. I voted liberal. The people that have attacked me the most visciously on these board are actually 'left wing trolls' by their own words. Those same people call themself liberal (see booter above). I am sickened by their usage of the liberal label given the behavior I've seen be exhibited be these trolls. I think Conservatives are probably unused to seeing liberals and 'left wing trolls' disagree let alone fight.

I find there is a difference between an old school liberal who has empathy for others in a MLK style way (how I vote) and a modern leftist that only views things through oppressor/oppressed categories and lacks the ability for larger nuance. A liberal cares about a wider group of people than a 'left wing troll' by a wide margin. A left wing troll will dehumanize those they think are on the wrong side of history. A liberal will disagree with them with discussion.

I reject trolling behavior from any extreme political persuasion. Including left wing trolls. This means that as a liberal I don't like booter's style of drive by attacks on other folks, liberal or otherwise.

I air this private dirty laundry one time only as explanation for my request to booter for No Contact.
Last edited by Seducio; 12-20-2023 at 02:21 PM..
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