Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 11-28-2023, 05:54 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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posted 12-17-2001 10:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Gello Click Here to Email Gello Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Mistmoore yard, kurns tower, sarnak fort in LoIO, maybe paludal. Try having the bard sing lullaby during the ae. That's a pretty big taunt and has a side effect of "kinda" being an ae mez. (Tho very resistable) I forget what level bards get the ae slow but that's a decent taunt too and has an obvious use in ae. (It's high 20's I think) You want the plate-wearing bard tanking everything so you're free to heal the bard and the casters should they get aggro. Mage rain spells I understand don't generate a lot of aggro. Wizard will likely be the one you have the most trouble keeping alive. But being proactive and getting the bard to keep aggro can assure some decent pulls.
Don't listen to the people saying a group can't ae without an enchanter. It's a low 20's group for crying out loud. :P Even then, we were ae'ing in the grey before the nerf with just me (60 cleric) and a 57 wizard as the only two in the group who could cast an ae spell. Just test the waters a bit and you'll be fine. My nec has done ae in crystal caverns and cazic without an enchanter before. Granted, an enchanter will let you double the size of the pulls but it's still doable.

When your ae group gets to upper 20's, 29 for wizards, hit cazic courtyard. Great ae spot. You'd think paw would be great too, but the levels there vary too much and the number of casters make it tough to gather all the mobs together before your group has taken a serious beating. Once you get to 34, especially ae'ers, hit crystal caverns.
Candail Delour
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posted 12-20-2001 02:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Candail Delour Click Here to Email Candail Delour Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
can kite them, heh. make sure everyone has sow or whatever and take turns aoe nuking.
or, since you have a bard, can have him/her mez them for a minuit or so to accumulate aggro then kite them with selo while everyone aoe nukes. i leveled my wizard alot doing this with a bard and a mage in lake of ill omen through the 20's. also leveled my bard through the 20's this way.
[This message has been edited by Candail Delour (edited 12-20-2001).]

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"James Grahame" <> wrote:

> Like it mattered whether he was or not. My guild took him down with a
>bard tanking and three Manaburn wizards
, just for kicks. It'll be
>interesting to see if Manaburn ever gets the 100 K limit applied to it or
>not like the Banes have.

If I had to guess I'd say Verant is going to add a flag to certain mobs
about whether or not manaburn affects them or to what degree. Right now
a group of 4-5 wizards can solo a 32k dragon. Even less if they happen
to crit on a manaburn. I wouldn't be surprised to see it have a limit of
something like 2k on certain mobs in the near future. While probably
being fairly balanced againt Luclin ubers or even ToV dragons, it's a
bit overpowering against pre-Velious ubers.

NooB Visitor
Posts: 26
(3/1/02 8:36:17 pm)
Reply AOE Groups
I was talking to my friend irl and she said her dad and his guildies were using a strategy that surprisingly I have never heard of. It was called an AOE group and the basic gist of it is as follows....
I) Group- you need 2 enchanters 1 bard 1 cleric (w/ res stick preferably [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ) and 2 wizards. i suppose any type of char that can AOE nuke is good but wizzies=best. (keep in mind thats AOE not AE and there is a difference. AE is what druids and wizzies use in quad kitting AOE is the equivalent of upheaval where it goes out from you...)
II) Starting- You have the bard run around the zone w/ an aggro song on. don't worry about too many you want as many as you can get...the way she described it they had 47 guys one time! (and this is at lvl 59) he pulls basically all the mobs in the zone w/i reason [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] and then you have the enchanters AOE stun...when that happens the nukers go to work nuke nuke etc. cleric keeps em healed and if the enchanters do their job no one dies.
III) Finishing- As you can tell this would bring AWESOME exp and i know it works cuz he punched through lvls 58 59 and 60 in a matter of 2 weeks....AND you get more loot this way too so it's also pretty lucrative

i didn't believe this could be done till i saw it w/ my own eyes and it almost made me wanna start a certainly however made my jaw drop [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
(47 guys!!)
Edited by: Turraslo at: 3/1/02 8:36:46 pm

Mini ring of Fire Reply... By: Galathor,
2 posts
Posted @ Thu, May 9th 9:12 PM 2002 Score: Decent[3.00]
Ok you have 1 person stand on the platform and he is rooted. You then kill the spawns before they reach the platform, we had a bard ae dding to get agro, and you keep on killing until the named pops, during this time the room will pop probably 5 times, it seemed to be on a 6 minute timer, and pop speeds for the skeletons involved in the quest will increase as the battle goes on, the lvls of the pops will also increase. Btw if you knock a pop into the wall it despawns it it didn't seem to interupt the quest so if you don't want to worry about killing just keep knocking them into the wall until the named comes. After 30 min of killing (i was in the exp group and got a blue)the grimling high priest transforms into the named mob a 63. At this point things became chaotic for us we only had 2 groups of 50 to 60's and some pets were out that screwed up mezzes so by the time i got the adds mezzed half the raid was down including the MT and we only had 1 cleric to begin with. So the ST started killing when the mob was at 75%, we had a 60 necro, 59 dru, 60 cleric, 56 war, 56 bard, and i was the 56 ench keeping the adds mezzed. We were able to kill it, the war was dead, but the bard tanked it from 5 percent, and it dropped a 8int 35mana 35hp hat. I know others on the server have killed it and gotten 60 luclin spells so we are going to do it until we get a few. Hope that helps.

Registered User
Posts: 114
(8/12/03 5:55 am)
Re: Before I waste AA points...
Concerning aggro, a good drum and 4 stacking DoTs is usualy the solution ;-)

Muse Belladone, "The ManaKitty", Forgotten Nemesis
Larraque Meleagrance
Radical Dreamer
Posts: 1922
(8/12/03 9:03 am)
Reply Re: Before I waste AA points...
Concerning aggro, a good drum and 4 stacking DoTs is usualy the solution ;-)

Better off using 3 dots, and largo's absonant binding, if you need to be a bard tank. (Largo's is the level 51 slow movement, AC reduction, snare song)

Not that I ever bard tank.

But I'd think using a Battle Drummer's Main Gauche (or Singing Short Sword, obviously) would be better than all but the best of drums (Thunderous of Karana). The ratio is 1.8 (same as the singing short sword), and it does 8 less damage per 10 seconds per dot than my Draconic Fellowship Drum. And if I'm in hand to hand, the damage done by the main gauche is better than the damage done by my fists by at least 30. And I'm sure it does more aggro.
Last edited by Ennewi; 11-28-2023 at 06:02 PM..
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