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Old 11-27-2023, 01:06 PM
Danth Danth is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,272

Hah, yeah, I tend to be unenthusiastic about +1 here, +2 there. EQ tends to be a "big numbers" game where you need quite a bit of something before you notice good effect. That's why I never upgraded a couple of my Thurgadin-quality armor items to Skyshrine--for the huge cost involved, it wasn't going to let me do anything I can't already do, anyway.

My bain does not compute the ~8% chance because I see it as a zero per cent chance--because I'm not really ever losing aggro to begin with, taunt or no taunt. It's a case where I'm interpreting the setup through the lens of how I play. Once in awhile when it doesn't matter I might go lazy-mode and let something flip onto the shaman once in awhile but only when nobody involved cares. I can accept that other folks may play a bit differently, and as long as they're still getting the job done--good enough.
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