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Old 11-15-2023, 09:56 AM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Trailer is every marvel DC movie from 3rd person perspective x minecraft. Cannot dig it. I want a 1st person survival horror sim where crafting a generic steel blade is an epic feet and there's depth to the world. My player character isn't a demig-d and every class sucks.

WoW was good when it was this. So was vanguard. It should matter more how many rations and what kind you take.

Every expansion after classic EQ slowly eroded the world with stat bloat and content designed for psychopaths without much story or lore. Just cuz the guy had his name on veeshans peak. Doesn't make him a genius designer. The game however will be extremely popular with psychotic and narcissistic millenials and zoomers who just get off to their characters doing power moves and getting perfect stats every raid tier. That's what it looks like anyway. So you will have nothing to worry about. It'll have its chunk of the idiot demographic. And you'll have pals to circle jerk with.

A better game would involve lore and exploration and factions. And secrets. And very limited player power. The housing and building system looks kinda cool tho.
Apophis is closest to earth on 2029 April the 13th (a friday) lol
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