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Old 09-30-2023, 01:27 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Seducio [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Serious question. Trying to understand the motivation of those that have thousands of posts on these forums. I have hundreds of posts so I'm not immune from my own question.

I'll start: I have had good experiences on these forums in interacting with other members that are less expressive than I am communication wise. They have reached out to me based on what I have written. As in it has increased my network of people with specific sets of skills that are otherwise hard to find. It hasn't been without any negative experiences of course, but those have been worth weathering for the benefit of the good experiences overall.

How about you - what do you get out of posting so much on these forums? Do you find these forums make you a better person or player? Or do you just like hanging out here?
I dislike echo chambers, and with the way algorithms work to feed you more of what they believe you want to hear, it becomes challenging to get objective info from the other political side

Most of it comes in the form of propaganda, either written that way in the article or presented that way from the person citing it, but it’s propaganda I would prefer to read and filter out what might be true amidst the bullshit…rather than the alternative which is having no idea of its existence at all. Rarely is something ever completely untrue or true. The gray area of each is for me to to find

Also typing out communication is most likely flexing some part of the brain that would wither without any practice. And since online communication is often far more convenient than in-person communication, it ends up a second rate substitute to in person communication but each still having a unique benefit to the brain

Which is why I scoff at people who mindlessly just post the same quote over and over. Because if I’m correct and having to come up with new succinct arguments flexes some part of the brain where that neural activity is a benefit, posting the same copy pasted line most certainly would not. So spamming is getting little or none of the neurological benefits of posting online communication, if they exist at all. But maybe they don’t
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