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Old 09-23-2023, 09:03 PM
long.liam long.liam is offline

Join Date: May 2019
Location: US
Posts: 198

I get the feeling that a lot the people in this thread that are downplaying the JBB chose Iksar for their shaman. The cognitive dissonance of having chosen the so called "Master Race" for their shaman and it be a possible inferior option is too much for them. Not saying everyone that disagrees does but probably a lot do. I will say this though More DPS does not equal better. Some things said here are true, but only partial truths. Saying its better for the shaman to do this or that is true, but it also applies to casting bane of nife constantly. Bane of Nife costs 425 Mana to cast. You would have to cast canni 4, 5 times to get that mana back to cast again. That would do 740 dmg to the shaman. You then have to cast torpor to get that mana back. That's not including the time needed to cast other buffs, heal other players, heal the pet, any damage the shaman is taking from AEs, tanking. High level fights are delicate balance of resources. Anything that makes that easier is great. Not saying the JBB is always good, especially on NPCs that are immune to cold, but being able to DPS without using mana is awesome.
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