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Old 09-06-2023, 01:28 AM
Lune Lune is offline
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Originally Posted by Evia [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
i casually mentioned this to my wife (whos first mmo was wow but hasnt played it in years) and now she wont stop talking to me about it. which surprises me a lot because my wife is not the type of person who enjoys anything remotely 'hardcore' and so the thought of her losing her character forever i figured would be an automatic no-go for her but alas i was wrong. she says she thinks it will make the game exciting again...and tbh after thinking about it i think shes right. as long as we make peace with losing our characters i think it sounds like a good time!

soooo i might be trying it out if not just to play with her as a duo squad. she wants to play a mage but idk what i'd play with her...maybe a warlock? or druid?

p.s. i know its a hot take bc everyone loves horde....even my wife....but i'm hoping i can talk her into playing alliance. gnomes/dwarves/night elves/humans > ugly orcs/jamaican tusk trolls/dead guys/cow hippies
Yea I've never been a fan of horde for precisely that reason. Lock and mage will be rolling on the same gear, far from a dealbreaker, but something to consider. There is a 24 hour lockout on individual dungeons so you can't spam them. Druids are good duo partners as are paladins, priests, and shamans.

Just did deadmines. I was the healer, had a warr/lock/hunter/mage. Everyone's got stat food, pots, etc. The whole run goes swimmingly, tank was good and methodical. We kill van cleef and go to jump down to where Cookie is. Hunter doesn't dismiss his pet...... and then lands in the wrong spot and agros a bunch of shit. Everyone immediately makes a beeline for the door. Hunter about to die.... I have a Jesus moment and turn around to lay hands him. Warrior thunderclaps the shit chasing the warlock and he makes it. Everyone else is eating healthstones and potions and shit. Warrior is an inch from death and gets a BoP, and I bubble, and we all make it out with a sliver of HP (except the mage who didn't even look back lol, or help with frost nova)

Really fucking exciting, and reputation matters... which hasn't been a thing in WoW for a long time. Instead of the bolus of players you typically get on a new server, moving through the levels as a cohort, it's more like a pyramid as people die.
Last edited by Lune; 09-06-2023 at 01:31 AM..
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