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Old 09-04-2023, 08:36 PM
Troxx Troxx is offline
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Solo: they can do it better than many but not top tier. Lack of CC holds them back.

Duo/Trio/group: They are top tier dps in groups, really only second to charm pets. Melee aren’t really going to be able to keep up, other than an exceptionally well geared rog (not your typical “I have epic and an EC bought offhand). They are cheap to gear and relaxed to play.

Raid: their job changes completely. pets typically not allowed in many boss fights. Nukes have a hard time landing if at all. No lure or bane. They typically are gonna mod rod and coth along with some DA tricks.


Cons: very limited utility. No CC at all other than offtank with pet.

Pros: they are monsters in the dps department for group content. For what they do, they do it exceptionally well. For anything else, you’re going to be disappointed.

They can do good DPS in a group when the pet isn't tanking, but they aren't the best group DPS class.
I xp’d for a few hours on my mage today. I don’t have water staff. My unfocused pet properly positioned averaged 80-85dps with max summon and self buffs only. Toss it a str or str/focus stack and it would have been higher. Average combined dps for the 3 hour session was 115dps plus whatever my 33pt DS on the tank was contributing on all the unslowed mobs. Highest burn was 3 mobs in a bad pull back to back with combined dps 200+ during the fun. We cycled three rogues (2 over 55 with epic) through the group and none of them were even close.

It’s not a “they can do good dps in a group” situation … the only thing that will beat them is a charm pet quadding and hasted (scaling up depending on the zone/content).

Again. From today’s session I could only parse pet hits, backstabs, DD procs and my own nukes. Every time someone in the group got hit by anything, add another 33 damage points. I wish there were some way to effectively parse that as well without going back and counting each time someone in the group took a hit.

PS: properly positioned a water pet not tanking will do more dps than epic pet. If epic pet is tanking it’s no contest due to that monster DS and water let’s inability to backstab.
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Last edited by Troxx; 09-04-2023 at 08:41 PM..
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