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Old 08-28-2023, 11:13 AM
Trelaboon Trelaboon is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by zelld52 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I also don't understand why everyone goes to Karnors. It's 10 minute run from the osest port. The exp is bad, the loot is decent if you can get the kunark armor to drop for vendor trash... And people wind up planted there sitting LFG and refusing to leave for places like the Hole or Sol B which are right next to ports.

But the 20 or so players actually exping in groups from 50-60 are in Karnors. Everyone else solos / small op trio etc.

I only included the story about a cleric sitting LFG for 7 hours because I think it goes to show how little people are actively grouping. Someone had to have had a group and a cleric was leaving, so they searched for replacement heals in that time. Nope. Or apparently not, anyway.

Most people are on alt number 7 (like me) and can solo to 50-55. But I also like to group, and have been having increasingly hard time putting together groups for a few months. Some of my most fun groups are with filthy casuals and new to EQ players, but unfortunately they live up to their name and only log in once every 2 weeks. Or they quit after level 30

Because most people have an opinion on "the best spot park for 10 levels to grind," except for filthy casuals and new to EQ players who are usually more down to explore the game, try something new, etc.
I think it’s just because entrance is so easy to solo for almost any class, with a zone line ten seconds away if stuff goes south. While people solo, they’re able to LFG there in the process if that’s what they want.

I absolutely hate KC, but it makes sense why people choose to go there.
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