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Old 08-04-2023, 01:07 AM
Torven Torven is offline

Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 153

Sony put a pull limit of 10 in HoH early into PoP because bards were getting stupid amounts of exp there. On AK the pathing in the zone was atrocious. I set TAKP's limit to 15.

Regarding resists: TAKP's resist system is modeled off of the resist revamp that occurred late into Luclin, which is mostly what is still used on Live. A Sony dev posted pseudocode of it a decade ago and I parsed a ton of logs so it's quite accurate. It is however more forgiving than classic to Velious era resists in most cases, not harsher. I've no clue on the specifics of p99's implementation so I can't say how it compares to p99. Classic era resist logic is high on my wishlist of things I'd like to know.

AoEing on TAKP is very doable. Most common NPCs will stop resisting spells when you're 9 levels above them and AoE groups in Fungus Grove were common in Luclin on TAKP which is appropriate.