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Old 07-31-2023, 07:55 PM
Blistig Blistig is offline
Senior Server Guide

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 3,607

Plane of Hate Mini Bosses, Maestro of Rancor, and Innoruuk
- Dispel pulling through the walls of the zone is prohibited.
Sleeper's Tomb
Translocate Allotment:
Run Speed Consideration(s): SoW
Location of Engagement: Anywhere
Additional Rule Consideration: Master of the Guard and the Progenitor are foot races. Start line is behind the double doors at the zone-in.
Guilds may COTH down to the tunnel leading up to The Final Arbiter.
Additional Notes:
Memory Blur and the Lull Spell Line in Raiding:
The use of Memory Blur is strictly prohibited on raid targets. If a player lands this spell on a raid target, their guild must drop the raid target and let it completely reset. If a player lands Memory Blur on a raid target while another guild has FTE, their guild must concede the raid target. "Lull pulling" raid targets through walls is prohibited. Certain instances may be allowed at the sole discretion of P99 staff.
Last edited by Blistig; 08-12-2023 at 04:39 PM..