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Old 07-27-2023, 11:25 AM
Ruien Ruien is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 95

This thread is about analyzing camp rules as they apply to Chardok. I was originally worried about this same problem when beginning Chardok, and quickly came to understand that the code of conduct in this zone works well.

There are four parts to the relevant rule in question:

You can absolutely "camp" mobs, and you cannot steal another players 'camp'.

In general, if the placeholder or placeholders for a spawn are being killed, that 'camp' can be considered held by the player doing the killing so long as they are keeping the placeholders (or the room if there are no placeholders) cleared, within the same zone, do not die or log off.

You do not necessarily need to be at the spawn point to call it 'claimed' while it is uncontested, however, if someone else wishes to contest the 'camp' you do need to return to the 'camp' and maintain a presence at or very near the spawn(s) in order to hold it.

You cannot hold multiple 'camps' if another group wishes to contest one that you are holding. The player holding multiple 'camps' retains the right to choose which 'camp' to give up.
The main question here is how parts (2) and (3) interact. First, part (2) begins with "In general", meaning that it shows the basic intent and guideline. Part (3) is the most specific part of the rule.

Therefore: You do not need to remain at the spawn point of a camp in order to claim it. Killing a PH, gating out, and immediately running back down (arriving long before the respawn) is definitely in line with keeping the placeholders clear and not leaving. This meets both the letter of part (3) and the "in general" intent of part (2).

This is also the code of conduct - if you see a PH down, you assume that someone is camping the spawn. If someone is camping multiple, you can talk to the owner and take over one (letting them choose first).

I too was worried about gate and /q tactics initially, to the point of avoiding Chardok for awhile as I was concerned about losing camps and wasting my time. Turns out that the Chardok people are actually very nice. If you respect everyone else as described above, and they respect you, the arrangement works out well for everyone.
Last edited by Ruien; 07-27-2023 at 11:38 AM..
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