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Old 07-26-2023, 09:46 AM
Tormac Tormac is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 32

A friend got an early access account to M&M, and I want to give the devs a big thumbs up for the work they have been doing. He was trying to do a corps recovery run with a bunch of low-level characters and let me run his character while doing it.

This game has managed to capture the atmosphere and excitement of running an old school dungeon. Not being able to see in the dark by itself is a stressing thing that modern games have forgotten. It was really tense peering through the shadows cast by our torches in this long dark corridor, with glowing eyed skeletons hiding around corners. It felt dangerous to be in the dungeon.

M&M devs have captured the ambiance and atmosphere of old mmos, or even old school paper and pencil games.

I think I have become a little jaded waiting on promised games that were either never made, or worse yet, that seem to be coming in coughs and fits, and feel like money grabs (yes, I regret buying a freelancer that maybe my grandchildren will be able to fly in a full game, and I am glad I resisted the hype of EQ next). M&M may make me a believer again in the promise of modern game that captures the feel of old school intensity.

Bravo to the devs! You guys are doing great work!
Last edited by Tormac; 07-26-2023 at 10:09 AM.. Reason: editied cus I spel gud
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