Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 07-01-2023, 06:56 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Originally Posted by Ennewi [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
After the 2003/2004 reduction to song aggro.

Sububer is not online. Last active: 2/28/2005 11:07:31 AM Sububer
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Bard Aggro
Posted: Aug 17 04 7:05 PM
I am looking for some info on how aggro works for bards.

I'll start by sharing what I know about it:

Chants used to work, then their aggro was nerfed, so they are not nearly enough anymore to be able to kite for a group.

Some say to use rune songs to generate aggro, but I have had zero luck with this. Mobs nearly ignore me when I use our rune songs (Nilipus' and Shield of Songs). Maybe this was pre-aggro nerf too.

I read one post that suggested that bards can't hold aggro even with a Blade of Carnage (+700 hate proc) since they have an aggro mod applied to the class that lessens the hate generated - can anyone confirm this?

What it sounds like to me is that the class may have had a global aggro mod applied, but I am not sure - it could be a combination of misinformation and aggro nerfs to a few songs.

Specifically, what I'd like to know is this:

How was bard aggro nerfed?

Do bards have an aggro multiplier that affects everything?

If so, what is the multiplier?

What methods (if any) are still effective for holding aggro as a bard:
a. when kiting for a group?
b. when tanking?

Sububer, 65 bard on Maelin Starpyre
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Re: Bard Aggro
Posted: Aug 24 04 11:07 AM
There was a time back on the old website for diva that I posted about the silent nerf with chants agro. Pre patch I was able to chant 4 dots and really had to be stupid to pull aggro off the pet. Day after patch, the end of charm killing...Nope not realy, but a wasted song slot, as now 4 dots would have the mob tearing you a new one while the pet was no longer a viable tank.

Bards being smarter than Sony went to the songbook and gave the finger to the nerf bat...memed the agro reduce song and with this new wasted slot had things the same as they allways had been. At the time I was angry, now I have to laugh...

Sony tries to flavour of the month fix, and back then it was deemed to powerfull to have songs with low aggro, as to abuse the pet becoming the risk clearing of places like the Velks Frenzie camp solo.

So we sing an extra song for about 2 years, and Sony decides :hey maybe we got it all wrong and we need to make it like it used to be....Those Bards are trying to use chants to be the tank!! Oh NO!!

Now as it stands we are back to having a hard time keeping aggro, but after clearing sebilis it is clear that my pets tank real nice again, and I sit back and 4 dot with no risk. (was here for the ss helmet, not experience)

What a stupid company...maybe the dude that decided 2 years ago to nerf or songs retirered only to have the next dude implement a nerf that puts things back to the way it used to be. haha nerfed the nerf.

AA's is kind of ridiculous as well, aa to deduce aggro song effects and new aa's to increase aggro effects??? Like buy 1 and not the other , or both and be mad you wasted the aa? The bard class has to be the most screwed with class, but in the end we laugh at them for wrecking the game in attempts to nerf a pretty much un-nerfable class. So we can solo real well...get over it. A bard with 800aa is still just a freaking bard. They charge 100aa for exhaultant bellow knowing this is like charging other classes 25. If it was such a great class there would be thousands of Bards, like those lamer Druids. Class balance is to have what we have, or it would be a very broken game. Give and take here.

Keep up the good work Sony...some day you will understand you are going after the wrong class.

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Re: Bard Aggro
Posted: Aug 26 04 3:40 PM
Had to laugh reading Moose's first post: Pre-nerf I only chanted while I wanted to hold aggro, take 3-5% off and keep up a full chant twist, had 2 rogues and a necro go full DPS mode without ever pulling aggro off me. Now, I charm one pet, and start chanting on the pet's target immediately, without ever getting aggro. If charm breaks, re-charm, run 2 circles while chanting, and the pet has aggro again.

Last night, was duoing with another bard... She chanted to 75% while I finished off another mob, then I snared and started to melee while she continued to chant... at 55%, I had aggro and had to use the Fear/snare technique to finish it.

So, Bard melee DPS aggro drastically outweighs chant aggro now.
Grith, Minstrel of Vah Shir Having spent 68 nights serenading from back alleys, while'st dodging 52 AA meetings.

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Bard Aggro
Posted: Sep 10 04 7:42 PM
hey all i was wondering, in a group situation when the tank goes down.. and all other melee class's go down.. is it possible for a bard to go tank? i can't seem to take or hold aggro at all!
Miniena Member of Heroes Luclin Server
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Re: Bard Aggro
Posted: Sep 10 04 10:06 PM
Possible? As possible as it is for a penguin to start flying. It is already halfway there with the wings, but it is going to take a h*ll of a lot of work to breed flight back into them.

Same with the bards. Takes a h*ll of a lot of work to get and keep aggro from anyone, especially on raids when you're talking about tens of thousands of 'points' of aggro simply from heals, let nukes and dots.

If a plan resolves around a bard being main tank, precautions need to be taken - the bard needs appropriate tools (high damage weapons relatively speaking, maybe some aggro procs [and I mean +hate, stuns and other forms of aggro seem to be affected by the global hate modifier bards are subject to], maybe some sort of instant click like a snare gland or stun totem) and everyone else needs to be much more controlled in their aggro output.
Hunter Sirioh
Impresario Arafein Sinofei
Moose is not online. Last active: 1/7/2005 3:18:52 PM Moose
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Re: Bard Aggro
Posted: Sep 12 04 5:56 PM
We can take the damage np most of the time, but it is real tuff to hold agro. The way it stands, getting a mez to land pre tank death might be the better solution. Or snare and let the wizzys/nukers ping pong it to death.

I get paid to make decisions. Not write about them. 70-701
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