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Old 06-30-2023, 04:04 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Crede [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The problem here is that the SK was a trivial test. This test is much more complex, and we'd need to establish multiple points of measurement. I think it's fair to say nothing of this magnitude has ever been attempted before. Also, we have no idea what "Best" means in the context of the OP. Does this mean best for farming xp, best for sniping nameds across the world, etc.

For example, if this is a raw xp/hour test, shaman's need very specific conditions to optimize their group dps . Things like killing mobs slowly enough to regen pox/bane mana, epic being able to run it's full duration, etc. This is why most shaman's just click jbb when they are in groups. The other group members would effectively have to leave your mobs alone to truly optimize Shaman dps. This is why most shaman's just end up soloing, where they have 100% control of the situation.

This is really a matter of dps vs utility. You'd effectively need to prove that a shaman's utility can offset the increased dps of a mage(it's already been established that mages are superior group dps). Since the group would already have 3 rooters, 2 slowers, and mala with an cleric/enc/enc/mage, we'd need to try and compile a list of mobs that we believe either needs torpor to win, or needs a 4th rooter, or a 3rd slower, or a slightly tankier class, or all of the above or some combination of those.

I honestly don't know how we could test this, but willing to discuss criteria.
The first test will be easy enough. We can do some DPS comparisons solo vs. group in a time sliced manner. You don't need to play for 2 hours straight to get a good estimate. 15-30 minutes of an example group will do the trick. You can simply extrapolate how the group would continue doing. We could do this as a duo.

That will solve the basic disagreement that solo DPS is somehow vastly different from group DPS. As long as both of us agree to how we want to time slice the group vs. solo play, it shouldn't be a big deal.

I don't think there is much point in trying to measure something as nebulous as player fatigue, since everybody is different. We would need to somehow survey the entire server to get an idea of how lazy people are on average hehe.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 06-30-2023 at 04:08 PM..
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