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Old 06-30-2023, 10:58 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Who Are These Guys? Reply...
Posted @ Thu, Oct 18th 12:08 PM 2001
By: mdharper
2 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
Ten 55+ level cons showed up on track for me today. I found them in a walled off area I never noticed before in the back of the lobe behind Zazamoukh near neg2000 pos2000. The names were as follows: Archon Mardeus N'Vidi, Kahaptra Z'Tet, Aesha L'Rei, Captain L'Rei, Versundi the Belligerant, Kovren Niseres, Risalis Arnilion, Navariz Tas'Rel, Tyazia D'Auro, Swayan Atharis, and level 39-51 con Acolyte Xiari Vilyr with pet. The few I could visually con from a very distant rise scowled at my Wood Elf Druid. Anyone have any information on these fellows?
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RE: Who Are These Guys? Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Nov 28th 1:15 PM 2001
By: Sslythr
64 posts
Score: Decent [3.26]
I was playing around on Test with Project M. I was a lizard man in RM, and I'd remembered seeing these guys on my main char, but since I was KOS didn't check them out. Since I was a mob, I had nothing to lose, so went down there they were aprehensive, so didn't attack.

The weird thing is that, when I finally had enough of that mob I attacked one of them, I couldn't hit it at all, but it didn't attack back, I tried it to several of them and none attacked back. My last step was when I attacked one that had a pet, the mob didn't attack me, but the pet did. Has anyone tried attacking them with a real PC? Or walked in there while KOS?
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They are primordial malice trainers who also have a quest (b Reply...
Posted @ Sun, Nov 18th 2:57 AM 2001
By: natsuko
563 posts
Score: Good [3.65]

They are on primordial malice faction and started off glower dubious to my dark elf of innoruuk.

She raised them to amiable killing dorn(nro) and gix(wc) a lot. Dorn and gix's factions are a bit different now and they raise Primordial malice when dying. She got dorn and gix down to indiff and apprehensive from amiable, then malice was amiable when she went back.

Archon is the cleric trainer, the others are other trainers. They are all red to a level 55 except for Xiari Vilyr who is blue. Archon was conned by someone 60 and he is at least level 63.

Captain L'rei gives a quest to take a note to Acolyte xiari Vilyr, the mage lady in the fbr with a pet. He just says Xiari Vilyr though, as does the note. You give the note to her and there is a fanfaire but no faction or anything and she gives you another note to take to izera in south ro.

At first, you did not even get the note from Xiari to give to Izera in south ro (though she mentioned it) I wrote in to the developer's board on the everquest site about this as I'm sure many others did. After the halloween events, she started actually giving you the note to give to izera.

However, the quest is still broken at that point. You give the note to Izera in sro (moves between the druid and wiz portal things there and a bit beyond, dark elf in velious chain looking texture with blue bottom hanging out (she is so naughty!) ) and she makes no response/gives no faction/gives you anything else/etc. So its broke at that point still.

I also wrote in to verant about it being broke at that point.
Hi hi LA~
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RE: Who Are These Guys? Reply...
Posted @ Sat, Oct 20th 11:43 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]
All I can tell you is that they are or were related to the Lanys T'Vvyl (sp??) / Child of Hate story, that saw the overhaul of Befallen for a few short weeks. As a dark elf I was able to speak with them. Many (all in fact bar the Captain) are in fact guild trainers. The Captain spoke of my "sacrificing my eternal soul to the return of our dark lady" (Lanys). These are members of the Primordial Malice. Some of you may have noticed faction hits against them. They want you to give up the worship of Innoruuk. In favour of what I'm not very clear on since it was laid out in the newspapers over the last several months, and I can hardly remember a word of it. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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RE: Who Are These Guys? Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Oct 24th 1:40 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]

My dark elf cleric of innoruuk was glower dubious to them. I have remembered primordial malice hits but can't remember where, and they say they are primordial malice.

Evidently my faction is not high enough since two people near the captain say to talk to him but he disses me when hailing. He says the same thing when I say

"what dark lady?"

So that is evidently a key word if faction is higher with him?
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