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Old 06-15-2023, 05:11 PM
Dulu Dulu is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 447
Default Less than 48 hours, EHCL season 1 is live...

Do you have what it takes to survive?

League starts June 17th, 2pm EST, create a character on P99 Red at that time, and follow the below rules!

Death = Delete
If your character dies, for any reason other than PvP, intentional griefing or a verified disconnect. It's permanently dead. No resurrecting, no respawning.

How about PvP deaths?
PvP deaths do not count. Corpse runs are safe, but you are expected to return immediately to your corpse, and abide by LNS rules (See Red rules).

Can PvP be used to avoid a legitimate death?
No. You can not harm-touch your friend who is about to die and call it a PvP death.

What about Death Touch mechanics?

If a player dies to a Death Touch from a raid boss, the player may be resurrected only if the raid slays the boss on that attempt. If your raid wipes, or your raid is forced to disengage for any reason after you have been death touched (Except for Griefing, see above) then your character is permanently dead. Rest in peace.

Only group and trade with other hardcore players
Do not group with non hardcore players for any reason.

No boosting/outside help
You can not receive items, money, buffs, or any kind of assistance from players who are NOT hardcore.

Loot only what you or your party kills
You can not loot anything that was killed by other parties, even if they leave it behind.

Only purchase default vendor items
You can not purchase anything from vendors sold by other players. You may only purchase items the NPC's sell on their own, except those listed below.

What about spell components, reagents, and tradeskill items such as common pelts?
These items may be purchased from any vendor at will.
Last edited by Dulu; 06-15-2023 at 05:13 PM..
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