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Old 06-15-2023, 01:40 PM
Old_PVP Old_PVP is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Insanity's Edge
Posts: 431

Red, Blue, Green. They are all the same server, with the same code. Red just has way more options than the other 2, which makes it superior! Just think it through for literally 30 seconds. Red has OPEN camps, open dungeons, exponential exp bonus up to 290% in a full group. Hardcores can only group with hardcores, hardcores can only trade with other hardcores. That fact alone completely negates the "low population" argument, making it irrelevant. Low population also means less bored high levels wandering around throwing unwanted buffs on these hardcores. It also means a server economy which is more low key - which is good because it will be less tempting for people to cheat! Once (if?)[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] hardcores reach raid level, they will have OPEN raids as well. No lines, no rotations, no FTE races. All this with the added bonus of occasional fun PVP, which they are not penalized for should they die to PVP.

[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] This is a no brainer you fucking stoners.

Maybe they will do Blue for season 2? But Red will always be the better choice!
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