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Old 06-09-2023, 09:14 AM
Nishya Nishya is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 2
Default Asking for lowbie gear advice - druid

Hello everyone,
I'm a recently dinged level 29 druid (yay group ports!) and my gear is ridicolously bad.
I tried a couple easy spots to get something, but I had terrible, terrible luck. Say Forest Loop to mention one. Except for a couple items, which was kindly donated to me by random players, I'm still wearing the newbie leather armor I got from turning in CB belts.

I have, after purchasing level 29 spells, a few hundred pp, which on Blue (my server) I'm not sure what they could buy.
I have a charred guardian shield, enchanted fine steel morning star, nathsar bracer, ivory bracelet, 2x silver bloodstone earrings, idol of woven grass, split paw hide gloves. Everything else is newbie gear.

What would you suggest to camp or purchase? Anyone with some lowbie gear I can buy cheaply?

Thanks in advance!
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