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Old 05-30-2023, 03:29 PM
Ooloo Ooloo is offline
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The blood concentration is directly related to how rapidly it was ingested. Again, highschool level shit.

Note how nobody testified there was any serious injury to his neck. If you've ever seen a UFC fight, blood chokes put you to sleep in a few seconds. If his airway was constricted, he wouldn't have been able to clearly yell words. I'm not aware of any way pressure on the neck can gradually kill somebody over the course of ten minutes, especially when the pressure wasn't even on the neck.

Are you just allergic to common sense or do you find this fun? Experts are just people, who can be and are wrong all the time.

I'm sure a bunch of experts signed off on the drug Vioxx being safe, only to have it pulled off the market five years later because it was giving so many people heart attacks. How could the experts have been wrong?!?! Oh, because they're people with fallibility and bias like anyone else.
Last edited by Ooloo; 05-30-2023 at 03:33 PM..