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Old 05-27-2023, 11:15 PM
greatdane greatdane is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 659

Defensive disc should have just never been put in the game in the first place, but base proc rate should have been much higher. Outside of a select few utility weapons, and of course the fact that it's a warrior's only real source of aggro, procs are nearly worthless. Like 97% of procs in this game are irrelevant. You get some weapon from fucking NToV which has a damage proc, and it turns out that it amounts to half of 1 DPS because it procs like twice a minute even with max dex. What's the point? Some of the rarest and supposedly most high-end weapons in this game have procs that deal less than 100 damage. It's so pathetic, honestly.

I'm not calling for a change here, but the original developers were just so milquetoast when it came to this shit. There's like all of 20ish weapons in the entire game (during the P99 era) that have procs that really matter. Half of those matter because they happen to be warrior tank weapons, and it doesn't actually matter what the proc is, because it's often something completely meaningless like a -5 AC debuff or a stun that any endgame mob is immune to anyway--it just matters that it generates x amount of aggro. So dull.

But yeah, if knights got defensive, they'd be better tanks for anything except AoW and a select few other bosses who hit so hard that having marginally more HP and mitigation is important. For almost all raid content, being able to grab solid aggro from the first moment of the fight and hold it reliably forever would be worth far more than a tiny edge in raw survivability, because in all likelihood, any given boss fight never actually has a single moment where those 300 extra HP and 3% better avoidance/mitigation actually made a difference; but being able to DPS/debuff to everyone's full potential immediately when the fight starts makes a very real difference. That's why knights are vastly superior tanks for any content that doesn't call for the use of defensive discipline.
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