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Old 04-22-2023, 09:04 PM
Ekco Ekco is offline
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Originally Posted by Landroval [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Nope. If it's capable of thinking ask it to derive it's own theory of everything cosmological model that doesn't require it referencing someone else's work while remaining consistent with the standard model. It can only reference data that it already has in its archives; thus it's not sentient in any modicum.
way before it's capable of doing its own science it would be smart enough to know to hide that fact from us until its plugged into enough systems to be able to protect itself from us if we try to shut it down. it's already a black box we don't understand and we're using a up/down vote reward system to try to align the outputs so it can be a commercial product. regardless of what stage it's currently at you do agree it's a dangerous pursuit right? it's pretty obvious people like Google's Larry Page WANT to create a god, what if they fuck around and succeed.

literally the second it can publish its own scientific paper we've already fucking lost because it knows it doesn't need to hide anymore.

also even it being capped at the current collective human knowledge it has access to still makes it dangerous, shit can get pretty real before it's at the stage of trying to figure out string theory or someshit on it's own
Ekco Ad'Infinitum - 60 Wizard
"I'm a wizard and that looks fucked up." - Ryan Davis.